
Signature (optional):
Privacy Policy: The only data collected by furpsocial server-side is the contents of your posts (signature and body text). This information is stored in our secure databases which are wiped of all post data every week. This data is only used to accomodate furpsocial as a social media platform. Client-side, furpsocial stores your most recently used signature as a cookie.
refresh feed

" . $signature . "

UTC " . date("Y/m/d H:i") . "
" . htmlspecialchars($_POST["body"]) . "
" . $content; // write string back into the file $myfile = fopen("posts.txt", "w") or die("Unable to open file!"); fwrite($myfile, $content); fclose($myfile); $_POST["signature"] = null; $_POST["body"] = null; } // show content echo $content; ?>