[many, many more](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_unit_testing_frameworks#C.2B.2B).
So what does Catch2 bring to the party that differentiates it from these? Apart from the catchy name, of course.
## Key Features
* Quick and easy to get started. Just download two files, add them into your project and you're away.
* No external dependencies. As long as you can compile C++14 and have the C++ standard library available.
* Write test cases as, self-registering, functions (or methods, if you prefer).
* Divide test cases into sections, each of which is run in isolation (eliminates the need for fixtures).
* Use BDD-style Given-When-Then sections as well as traditional unit test cases.
* Only one core assertion macro for comparisons. Standard C/C++ operators are used for the comparison - yet the full expression is decomposed and lhs and rhs values are logged.
* Tests are named using free-form strings - no more couching names in legal identifiers.
## Other core features
* Tests can be tagged for easily running ad-hoc groups of tests.
* Failures can (optionally) break into the debugger on common platforms.
* Output is through modular reporter objects. Basic textual and XML reporters are included. Custom reporters can easily be added.
* JUnit xml output is supported for integration with third-party tools, such as CI servers.
* A default main() function is provided, but you can supply your own for complete control (e.g. integration into your own test runner GUI).
A whole lot of people. According to [the 2022 JetBrains C++ ecosystem survey](https://www.jetbrains.com/lp/devecosystem-2022/cpp/#Which-unit-testing-frameworks-do-you-regularly-use),
about 12% of C++ programmers use Catch2 for unit testing, making it the