
533 lines
16 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// This file is part of the mcl project.
// Copyright (c) 2022 merryhime
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#pragma once
#include <cstddef>
#include <functional>
#include <limits>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include "mcl/assert.hpp"
#include "mcl/container/detail/meta_byte.hpp"
#include "mcl/container/detail/meta_byte_group.hpp"
#include "mcl/container/detail/slot_union.hpp"
#include "mcl/hash/xmrx.hpp"
#include "mcl/hint/assume.hpp"
#include "mcl/memory/overaligned_unique_ptr.hpp"
namespace mcl {
template<typename KeyType, typename MappedType, typename Hash, typename Pred>
class hmap;
template<bool IsConst, typename KeyType, typename MappedType, typename Hash, typename Pred>
class hmap_iterator {
using base_value_type = std::pair<const KeyType, MappedType>;
using slot_type = detail::slot_union<base_value_type>;
using key_type = KeyType;
using mapped_type = MappedType;
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using value_type = std::conditional_t<IsConst, std::add_const_t<base_value_type>, base_value_type>;
using pointer = value_type*;
using const_pointer = const value_type*;
using reference = value_type&;
using const_reference = const value_type&;
hmap_iterator() = default;
hmap_iterator(const hmap_iterator& other) = default;
hmap_iterator& operator=(const hmap_iterator& other) = default;
hmap_iterator& operator++()
if (mb_ptr == nullptr)
return *this;
return *this;
hmap_iterator operator++(int)
hmap_iterator it(*this);
return it;
bool operator==(const hmap_iterator& other) const
return std::tie(mb_ptr, slot_ptr) == std::tie(other.mb_ptr, other.slot_ptr);
bool operator!=(const hmap_iterator& other) const
return !operator==(other);
reference operator*() const
return static_cast<reference>(slot_ptr->value);
pointer operator->() const
return std::addressof(operator*());
friend class hmap<KeyType, MappedType, Hash, Pred>;
hmap_iterator(detail::meta_byte* mb_ptr, slot_type* slot_ptr)
: mb_ptr{mb_ptr}, slot_ptr{slot_ptr}
ASSUME(mb_ptr != nullptr);
ASSUME(slot_ptr != nullptr);
void skip_empty_or_tombstone()
if (!mb_ptr)
while (*mb_ptr == detail::meta_byte::empty || *mb_ptr == detail::meta_byte::tombstone) {
if (*mb_ptr == detail::meta_byte::end_sentinel) {
mb_ptr = nullptr;
slot_ptr = nullptr;
detail::meta_byte* mb_ptr{nullptr};
slot_type* slot_ptr{nullptr};
template<typename KeyType, typename MappedType, typename Hash = hash::avalanche_xmrx<KeyType>, typename Pred = std::equal_to<KeyType>>
class hmap {
using key_type = KeyType;
using mapped_type = MappedType;
using hasher = Hash;
using key_equal = Pred;
using value_type = std::pair<const key_type, mapped_type>;
using reference = value_type&;
using const_reference = const value_type&;
using pointer = value_type*;
using const_pointer = const value_type*;
using size_type = std::size_t;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using iterator = hmap_iterator<false, key_type, mapped_type, hasher, key_equal>;
using const_iterator = hmap_iterator<true, key_type, mapped_type, hasher, key_equal>;
static constexpr size_t group_size{detail::meta_byte_group::max_group_size};
static constexpr size_t average_max_group_load{group_size - 2};
using slot_type = detail::slot_union<value_type>;
using slot_ptr = std::unique_ptr<slot_type[]>;
using meta_byte_ptr = overaligned_unique_ptr<group_size, detail::meta_byte[]>;
hmap(const hmap& other)
hmap(hmap&& other)
: group_index_mask{std::exchange(other.group_index_mask, 0)}
, empty_slots{std::exchange(other.empty_slots, 0)}
, full_slots{std::exchange(other.full_slots, 0)}
, mbs{std::move(other.mbs)}
, slots{std::move(other.slots)}
hmap& operator=(const hmap& other)
return *this;
hmap& operator=(hmap&& other)
group_index_mask = std::exchange(other.group_index_mask, 0);
empty_slots = std::exchange(other.empty_slots, 0);
full_slots = std::exchange(other.full_slots, 0);
mbs = std::move(other.mbs);
slots = std::move(other.slots);
return *this;
if (!mbs)
[[nodiscard]] bool empty() const noexcept { return full_slots == 0; }
size_type size() const noexcept { return full_slots; }
size_type max_size() const noexcept { return static_cast<size_type>(std::numeric_limits<difference_type>::max()); }
iterator begin()
iterator result{iterator_at(0)};
return result;
iterator end()
return {};
const_iterator cbegin() const
const_iterator result{const_iterator_at(0)};
return result;
const_iterator cend() const
return {};
const_iterator begin() const
return cbegin();
const_iterator end() const
return cend();
template<typename K = key_type, typename... Args>
std::pair<iterator, bool> try_emplace(K&& k, Args&&... args)
auto [item_index, item_found] = find_key_or_empty_slot(k);
if (!item_found) {
new (&slots[item_index].value) value_type(
return {iterator_at(item_index), !item_found};
template<typename K = key_type, typename V = mapped_type>
std::pair<iterator, bool> insert_or_assign(K&& k, V&& v)
auto [item_index, item_found] = find_key_or_empty_slot(k);
if (item_found) {
slots[item_index].value.second = std::forward<V>(v);
} else {
new (&slots[item_index].value) value_type(
return {iterator_at(item_index), !item_found};
void erase(const_iterator position)
if (position == cend()) {
const std::size_t item_index{static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(mbs.get(), position.mb_ptr))};
const std::size_t group_index{item_index / group_size};
const detail::meta_byte_group g{mbs.get() + group_index * group_size};
erase_impl(item_index, std::move(g));
void erase(iterator position)
if (position == end()) {
const std::size_t item_index{static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(mbs.get(), position.mb_ptr))};
const std::size_t group_index{item_index / group_size};
const detail::meta_byte_group g{mbs.get() + group_index * group_size};
erase_impl(item_index, std::move(g));
template<typename K = key_type>
size_t erase(const K& key)
const std::size_t hash{hasher{}(key)};
const detail::meta_byte mb{detail::meta_byte_from_hash(hash)};
size_t group_index{detail::group_index_from_hash(hash, group_index_mask)};
while (true) {
detail::meta_byte_group g{mbs.get() + group_index * group_size};
const std::size_t item_index{group_index * group_size + match_index};
if (key_equal{}(slots[item_index].value.first, key)) [[likely]] {
erase_impl(item_index, std::move(g));
return 1;
if (g.is_any_empty()) [[likely]] {
return 0;
group_index = (group_index + 1) & group_index_mask;
template<typename K = key_type>
iterator find(const K& key)
const std::size_t hash{hasher{}(key)};
const detail::meta_byte mb{detail::meta_byte_from_hash(hash)};
size_t group_index{detail::group_index_from_hash(hash, group_index_mask)};
while (true) {
detail::meta_byte_group g{mbs.get() + group_index * group_size};
const std::size_t item_index{group_index * group_size + match_index};
if (key_equal{}(slots[item_index].value.first, key)) [[likely]] {
return iterator_at(item_index);
if (g.is_any_empty()) [[likely]] {
return {};
group_index = (group_index + 1) & group_index_mask;
template<typename K = key_type>
const_iterator find(const K& key) const
const std::size_t hash{hasher{}(key)};
const detail::meta_byte mb{detail::meta_byte_from_hash(hash)};
size_t group_index{detail::group_index_from_hash(hash, group_index_mask)};
while (true) {
detail::meta_byte_group g{mbs.get() + group_index * group_size};
const std::size_t item_index{group_index * group_size + match_index};
if (key_equal{}(slots[item_index].value.first, key)) [[likely]] {
return const_iterator_at(item_index);
if (g.is_any_empty()) [[likely]] {
return {};
group_index = (group_index + 1) & group_index_mask;
template<typename K = key_type>
bool contains(const K& key) const
return find(key) != end();
template<typename K = key_type>
size_t count(const K& key) const
return contains(key) ? 1 : 0;
template<typename K = key_type>
mapped_type& operator[](K&& k)
return try_emplace(std::forward<K>(k)).first->second;
template<typename K = key_type>
mapped_type& at(K&& k)
const auto iter{find(k)};
if (iter == end()) {
throw std::out_of_range("hmap::at: key not found");
return iter->second;
template<typename K = key_type>
const mapped_type& at(K&& k) const
const auto iter{find(k)};
if (iter == end()) {
throw std::out_of_range("hmap::at: key not found");
return iter->second;
void clear()
for (auto iter{begin()}; iter != end(); ++iter) {
iterator iterator_at(std::size_t item_index)
return {mbs.get() + item_index, slots.get() + item_index};
const_iterator const_iterator_at(std::size_t item_index) const
return {mbs.get() + item_index, slots.get() + item_index};
std::pair<std::size_t, bool> find_key_or_empty_slot(const key_type& key)
const std::size_t hash{hasher{}(key)};
const detail::meta_byte mb{detail::meta_byte_from_hash(hash)};
std::size_t group_index{detail::group_index_from_hash(hash, group_index_mask)};
while (true) {
detail::meta_byte_group g{mbs.get() + group_index * group_size};
const std::size_t item_index{group_index * group_size + match_index};
if (key_equal{}(slots[item_index].value.first, key)) [[likely]] {
return {item_index, true};
if (g.is_any_empty()) [[likely]] {
return {find_empty_slot_to_insert(hash), false};
group_index = (group_index + 1) & group_index_mask;
std::size_t find_empty_slot_to_insert(const std::size_t hash)
if (empty_slots == 0) [[unlikely]] {
std::size_t group_index{detail::group_index_from_hash(hash, group_index_mask)};
while (true) {
detail::meta_byte_group g{mbs.get() + group_index * group_size};
MCL_HMAP_MATCH_META_BYTE_GROUP(g.match_empty_or_tombstone(), {
const std::size_t item_index{group_index * group_size + match_index};
if (mbs[item_index] == detail::meta_byte::empty) [[likely]] {
mbs[item_index] = detail::meta_byte_from_hash(hash);
return item_index;
group_index = (group_index + 1) & group_index_mask;
void erase_impl(std::size_t item_index, detail::meta_byte_group&& g)
if (g.is_any_empty()) {
mbs[item_index] = detail::meta_byte::empty;
} else {
mbs[item_index] = detail::meta_byte::tombstone;
void grow_and_rehash()
const std::size_t new_group_count{2 * (group_index_mask + 1)};
void pow2_resize(std::size_t new_group_count)
auto iter{begin()};
const auto old_mbs{std::move(mbs)};
const auto old_slots{std::move(slots)};
for (; iter != end(); ++iter) {
const std::size_t hash{hasher{}(iter->first)};
const std::size_t item_index{find_empty_slot_to_insert(hash)};
new (&slots[item_index].value) value_type(std::move(iter.slot_ptr->value));
void deep_copy(const hmap& other)
initialize_members(other.group_index_mask + 1);
for (auto iter = other.begin(); iter != other.end(); ++iter) {
const std::size_t hash{hasher{}(iter->first)};
const std::size_t item_index{find_empty_slot_to_insert(hash)};
new (&slots[item_index].value) value_type(iter.slot_ptr->value);
void initialize_members(std::size_t group_count)
// DEBUG_ASSERT(group_count != 0 && std::ispow2(group_count));
group_index_mask = group_count - 1;
mbs = make_overaligned_unique_ptr_array<group_size, detail::meta_byte>(group_count * group_size + 1);
slots = slot_ptr{new slot_type[group_count * group_size]};
void clear_metadata()
const std::size_t group_count{group_index_mask + 1};
empty_slots = group_count * average_max_group_load;
full_slots = 0;
std::memset(mbs.get(), static_cast<int>(detail::meta_byte::empty), group_count * group_size);
mbs[group_count * group_size] = detail::meta_byte::end_sentinel;
std::size_t group_index_mask;
std::size_t empty_slots;
std::size_t full_slots;
meta_byte_ptr mbs;
slot_ptr slots;
} // namespace mcl