// Tests of the C++ interface to POSIX functions that require mocks
// Copyright (c) 2012 - present, Victor Zverovich
// All rights reserved.
// For the license information refer to format.h.

// Disable bogus MSVC warnings.
#ifdef _MSC_VER

#include "posix-mock.h"
#include "../src/posix.cc"

#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <climits>

#ifdef _WIN32
# include <io.h>
# undef max
# undef ERROR

#include "gmock.h"
#include "gtest-extra.h"
#include "util.h"

using fmt::buffered_file;
using fmt::error_code;
using fmt::file;

using testing::internal::scoped_ptr;
using testing::_;
using testing::StrEq;
using testing::Return;

namespace {
int open_count;
int close_count;
int dup_count;
int dup2_count;
int fdopen_count;
int read_count;
int write_count;
int pipe_count;
int fopen_count;
int fclose_count;
int fileno_count;
std::size_t read_nbyte;
std::size_t write_nbyte;
bool sysconf_error;

enum FStatSimulation { NONE, MAX_SIZE, ERROR } fstat_sim;

#define EMULATE_EINTR(func, error_result) \
  if (func##_count != 0) { \
    if (func##_count++ != 3) { \
      errno = EINTR; \
      return error_result; \
    } \

#ifndef _MSC_VER
int test::open(const char *path, int oflag, int mode) {
  EMULATE_EINTR(open, -1);
  return ::open(path, oflag, mode);
errno_t test::sopen_s(
    int* pfh, const char *filename, int oflag, int shflag, int pmode) {
  return _sopen_s(pfh, filename, oflag, shflag, pmode);

#ifndef _WIN32

long test::sysconf(int name) {
  long result = ::sysconf(name);
  if (!sysconf_error)
    return result;
  // Simulate an error.
  errno = EINVAL;
  return -1;

static off_t max_file_size() { return std::numeric_limits<off_t>::max(); }

int test::fstat(int fd, struct stat *buf) {
  int result = ::fstat(fd, buf);
  if (fstat_sim == MAX_SIZE)
    buf->st_size = max_file_size();
  return result;


static LONGLONG max_file_size() { return std::numeric_limits<LONGLONG>::max(); }

DWORD test::GetFileSize(HANDLE hFile, LPDWORD lpFileSizeHigh) {
  if (fstat_sim == ERROR) {
  if (fstat_sim == MAX_SIZE) {
    DWORD max = std::numeric_limits<DWORD>::max();
    *lpFileSizeHigh = max >> 1;
    return max;
  return ::GetFileSize(hFile, lpFileSizeHigh);


int test::close(int fildes) {
  // Close the file first because close shouldn't be retried.
  int result = ::FMT_POSIX(close(fildes));
  EMULATE_EINTR(close, -1);
  return result;

int test::dup(int fildes) {
  EMULATE_EINTR(dup, -1);
  return ::FMT_POSIX(dup(fildes));

int test::dup2(int fildes, int fildes2) {
  EMULATE_EINTR(dup2, -1);
  return ::FMT_POSIX(dup2(fildes, fildes2));

FILE *test::fdopen(int fildes, const char *mode) {
  EMULATE_EINTR(fdopen, nullptr);
  return ::FMT_POSIX(fdopen(fildes, mode));

test::ssize_t test::read(int fildes, void *buf, test::size_t nbyte) {
  read_nbyte = nbyte;
  EMULATE_EINTR(read, -1);
  return ::FMT_POSIX(read(fildes, buf, nbyte));

test::ssize_t test::write(int fildes, const void *buf, test::size_t nbyte) {
  write_nbyte = nbyte;
  EMULATE_EINTR(write, -1);
  return ::FMT_POSIX(write(fildes, buf, nbyte));

#ifndef _WIN32
int test::pipe(int fildes[2]) {
  EMULATE_EINTR(pipe, -1);
  return ::pipe(fildes);
int test::pipe(int *pfds, unsigned psize, int textmode) {
  EMULATE_EINTR(pipe, -1);
  return _pipe(pfds, psize, textmode);

FILE *test::fopen(const char *filename, const char *mode) {
  EMULATE_EINTR(fopen, nullptr);
  return ::fopen(filename, mode);

int test::fclose(FILE *stream) {
  return ::fclose(stream);

int (test::fileno)(FILE *stream) {
  EMULATE_EINTR(fileno, -1);
#ifdef fileno
  return FMT_POSIX(fileno(stream));
  return ::FMT_POSIX(fileno(stream));

#ifndef _WIN32
# define EXPECT_RETRY(statement, func, message) \
    func##_count = 1; \
    statement; \
    EXPECT_EQ(4, func##_count); \
    func##_count = 0;
# define EXPECT_EQ_POSIX(expected, actual) EXPECT_EQ(expected, actual)
# define EXPECT_RETRY(statement, func, message) \
    func##_count = 1; \
    EXPECT_SYSTEM_ERROR(statement, EINTR, message); \
    func##_count = 0;
# define EXPECT_EQ_POSIX(expected, actual)

static void write_file(fmt::cstring_view filename, fmt::string_view content) {
  fmt::buffered_file f(filename, "w");
  f.print("{}", content);

TEST(UtilTest, GetPageSize) {
#ifdef _WIN32
  SYSTEM_INFO si = {};
  EXPECT_EQ(si.dwPageSize, fmt::getpagesize());
  EXPECT_EQ(sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE), fmt::getpagesize());
  sysconf_error = true;
      fmt::getpagesize(), EINVAL, "cannot get memory page size");
  sysconf_error = false;

TEST(FileTest, OpenRetry) {
  write_file("test", "there must be something here");
  scoped_ptr<file> f{nullptr};
  EXPECT_RETRY(f.reset(new file("test", file::RDONLY)),
               open, "cannot open file test");
#ifndef _WIN32
  char c = 0;
  f->read(&c, 1);

TEST(FileTest, CloseNoRetryInDtor) {
  file read_end, write_end;
  file::pipe(read_end, write_end);
  scoped_ptr<file> f(new file(std::move(read_end)));
  int saved_close_count = 0;
  EXPECT_WRITE(stderr, {
    close_count = 1;
    saved_close_count = close_count;
    close_count = 0;
  }, format_system_error(EINTR, "cannot close file") + "\n");
  EXPECT_EQ(2, saved_close_count);

TEST(FileTest, CloseNoRetry) {
  file read_end, write_end;
  file::pipe(read_end, write_end);
  close_count = 1;
  EXPECT_SYSTEM_ERROR(read_end.close(), EINTR, "cannot close file");
  EXPECT_EQ(2, close_count);
  close_count = 0;

TEST(FileTest, Size) {
  std::string content = "top secret, destroy before reading";
  write_file("test", content);
  file f("test", file::RDONLY);
  EXPECT_GE(f.size(), 0);
  EXPECT_EQ(content.size(), static_cast<unsigned long long>(f.size()));
#ifdef _WIN32
  fmt::memory_buffer message;
      message, ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED, "cannot get file size");
  fstat_sim = ERROR;
  EXPECT_THROW_MSG(f.size(), fmt::windows_error, fmt::to_string(message));
  fstat_sim = NONE;
  EXPECT_SYSTEM_ERROR(f.size(), EBADF, "cannot get file attributes");

TEST(FileTest, MaxSize) {
  write_file("test", "");
  file f("test", file::RDONLY);
  fstat_sim = MAX_SIZE;
  EXPECT_GE(f.size(), 0);
  EXPECT_EQ(max_file_size(), f.size());
  fstat_sim = NONE;

TEST(FileTest, ReadRetry) {
  file read_end, write_end;
  file::pipe(read_end, write_end);
  enum { SIZE = 4 };
  write_end.write("test", SIZE);
  char buffer[SIZE];
  std::size_t count = 0;
  EXPECT_RETRY(count = read_end.read(buffer, SIZE),
      read, "cannot read from file");
  EXPECT_EQ_POSIX(static_cast<std::streamsize>(SIZE), count);

TEST(FileTest, WriteRetry) {
  file read_end, write_end;
  file::pipe(read_end, write_end);
  enum { SIZE = 4 };
  std::size_t count = 0;
  EXPECT_RETRY(count = write_end.write("test", SIZE),
      write, "cannot write to file");
#ifndef _WIN32
  EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<std::streamsize>(SIZE), count);
  char buffer[SIZE + 1];
  read_end.read(buffer, SIZE);
  buffer[SIZE] = '\0';
  EXPECT_STREQ("test", buffer);

#ifdef _WIN32
TEST(FileTest, ConvertReadCount) {
  file read_end, write_end;
  file::pipe(read_end, write_end);
  char c;
  std::size_t size = UINT_MAX;
  if (sizeof(unsigned) != sizeof(std::size_t))
  read_count = 1;
  read_nbyte = 0;
  EXPECT_THROW(read_end.read(&c, size), fmt::system_error);
  read_count = 0;
  EXPECT_EQ(UINT_MAX, read_nbyte);

TEST(FileTest, ConvertWriteCount) {
  file read_end, write_end;
  file::pipe(read_end, write_end);
  char c;
  std::size_t size = UINT_MAX;
  if (sizeof(unsigned) != sizeof(std::size_t))
  write_count = 1;
  write_nbyte = 0;
  EXPECT_THROW(write_end.write(&c, size), fmt::system_error);
  write_count = 0;
  EXPECT_EQ(UINT_MAX, write_nbyte);

TEST(FileTest, DupNoRetry) {
  int stdout_fd = FMT_POSIX(fileno(stdout));
  dup_count = 1;
  EXPECT_SYSTEM_ERROR(file::dup(stdout_fd), EINTR,
      fmt::format("cannot duplicate file descriptor {}", stdout_fd));
  dup_count = 0;

TEST(FileTest, Dup2Retry) {
  int stdout_fd = FMT_POSIX(fileno(stdout));
  file f1 = file::dup(stdout_fd), f2 = file::dup(stdout_fd);
  EXPECT_RETRY(f1.dup2(f2.descriptor()), dup2,
      fmt::format("cannot duplicate file descriptor {} to {}",
      f1.descriptor(), f2.descriptor()));

TEST(FileTest, Dup2NoExceptRetry) {
  int stdout_fd = FMT_POSIX(fileno(stdout));
  file f1 = file::dup(stdout_fd), f2 = file::dup(stdout_fd);
  error_code ec;
  dup2_count = 1;
  f1.dup2(f2.descriptor(), ec);
#ifndef _WIN32
  EXPECT_EQ(4, dup2_count);
  EXPECT_EQ(EINTR, ec.get());
  dup2_count = 0;

TEST(FileTest, PipeNoRetry) {
  file read_end, write_end;
  pipe_count = 1;
      file::pipe(read_end, write_end), EINTR, "cannot create pipe");
  pipe_count = 0;

TEST(FileTest, FdopenNoRetry) {
  file read_end, write_end;
  file::pipe(read_end, write_end);
  fdopen_count = 1;
      EINTR, "cannot associate stream with file descriptor");
  fdopen_count = 0;

TEST(BufferedFileTest, OpenRetry) {
  write_file("test", "there must be something here");
  scoped_ptr<buffered_file> f{nullptr};
  EXPECT_RETRY(f.reset(new buffered_file("test", "r")),
               fopen, "cannot open file test");
#ifndef _WIN32
  char c = 0;
  if (fread(&c, 1, 1, f->get()) < 1)
    throw fmt::system_error(errno, "fread failed");

TEST(BufferedFileTest, CloseNoRetryInDtor) {
  file read_end, write_end;
  file::pipe(read_end, write_end);
  scoped_ptr<buffered_file> f(new buffered_file(read_end.fdopen("r")));
  int saved_fclose_count = 0;
  EXPECT_WRITE(stderr, {
    fclose_count = 1;
    saved_fclose_count = fclose_count;
    fclose_count = 0;
  }, format_system_error(EINTR, "cannot close file") + "\n");
  EXPECT_EQ(2, saved_fclose_count);

TEST(BufferedFileTest, CloseNoRetry) {
  file read_end, write_end;
  file::pipe(read_end, write_end);
  buffered_file f = read_end.fdopen("r");
  fclose_count = 1;
  EXPECT_SYSTEM_ERROR(f.close(), EINTR, "cannot close file");
  EXPECT_EQ(2, fclose_count);
  fclose_count = 0;

TEST(BufferedFileTest, FilenoNoRetry) {
  file read_end, write_end;
  file::pipe(read_end, write_end);
  buffered_file f = read_end.fdopen("r");
  fileno_count = 1;
  EXPECT_SYSTEM_ERROR((f.fileno)(), EINTR, "cannot get file descriptor");
  EXPECT_EQ(2, fileno_count);
  fileno_count = 0;

struct TestMock {
  static TestMock *instance;
} *TestMock::instance;

TEST(ScopedMock, Scope) {
    ScopedMock<TestMock> mock;
    EXPECT_EQ(&mock, TestMock::instance);
    TestMock &copy = mock;
  EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, TestMock::instance);


typedef fmt::Locale::Type LocaleType;

struct LocaleMock {
  static LocaleMock *instance;
  MOCK_METHOD3(newlocale, LocaleType (int category_mask, const char *locale,
                                      LocaleType base));
  MOCK_METHOD1(freelocale, void (LocaleType locale));

  MOCK_METHOD3(strtod_l, double (const char *nptr, char **endptr,
                                 LocaleType locale));
} *LocaleMock::instance;

#ifdef _MSC_VER
# pragma warning(push)
# pragma warning(disable: 4273)

_locale_t _create_locale(int category, const char *locale) {
  return LocaleMock::instance->newlocale(category, locale, 0);

void _free_locale(_locale_t locale) {

double _strtod_l(const char *nptr, char **endptr, _locale_t locale) {
  return LocaleMock::instance->strtod_l(nptr, endptr, locale);
# pragma warning(pop)

#if defined(__THROW) && FMT_GCC_VERSION > 0 && FMT_GCC_VERSION <= 408

LocaleType newlocale(int category_mask, const char *locale, LocaleType base) FMT_LOCALE_THROW {
  return LocaleMock::instance->newlocale(category_mask, locale, base);

#if defined(__APPLE__) || (defined(__FreeBSD__) && __FreeBSD_version < 1200002)
typedef int FreeLocaleResult;
typedef void FreeLocaleResult;

FreeLocaleResult freelocale(LocaleType locale) FMT_LOCALE_THROW {
  return FreeLocaleResult();

double strtod_l(const char *nptr, char **endptr, LocaleType locale) FMT_LOCALE_THROW {
  return LocaleMock::instance->strtod_l(nptr, endptr, locale);


TEST(LocaleTest, LocaleMock) {
  ScopedMock<LocaleMock> mock;
  LocaleType locale = reinterpret_cast<LocaleType>(11);
  EXPECT_CALL(mock, newlocale(222, StrEq("foo"), locale));
  newlocale(222, "foo", locale);

TEST(LocaleTest, Locale) {
  ScopedMock<LocaleMock> mock;
  LocaleType impl = reinterpret_cast<LocaleType>(42);
  EXPECT_CALL(mock, newlocale(LC_NUMERIC_MASK, StrEq("C"), nullptr))
  EXPECT_CALL(mock, freelocale(impl));
  fmt::Locale locale;
  EXPECT_EQ(impl, locale.get());

TEST(LocaleTest, Strtod) {
  ScopedMock<LocaleMock> mock;
  EXPECT_CALL(mock, newlocale(_, _, _))
  EXPECT_CALL(mock, freelocale(_));
  fmt::Locale locale;
  const char *str = "4.2";
  char end = 'x';
  EXPECT_CALL(mock, strtod_l(str, _, locale.get()))
      .WillOnce(testing::DoAll(testing::SetArgPointee<1>(&end), Return(777)));
  EXPECT_EQ(777, locale.strtod(str));
  EXPECT_EQ(&end, str);

#endif  // FMT_LOCALE