(mind)storm (cap)ture is a minimal note taking application.
It isn't visual but entirely text based.
Running mindcap without a file will result in crashes when attempting to (w)rite.
(r)ead - outputs the notes in memory
(a)ppend - takes an input and adds it to notes in memory
(d)elete - takes a number input and deletes it from the notes in memory
(w)rite - writes the notes in memory to disk
(q)uit - self-explanatory.
When (d)eleting, the number you use will be the note number.
note 1
note 2
note 3
To delete the second note you input 2, not 1.
You then end up with
note 1
note 3
Stored in a plaintext document of the name you stored.
They'll be stored in a format similar to this:
Welcome to mindcap!|~##~|This is a note!|~##~|This is also a note!