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Privacy policy
## For those visting this site via HTTP/HTTPS
By using this site, you agree to me collecting the following data for the purposes of system security and delivery of content through the HTTP protocol:
* Originating IP address
* User agent
* Date and time of request
* HTTP status code of request
* Headers of request (containing the HTTP method, page you visited and HTTP version)
This privacy policy applies to any services, websites, or other content delivered via the HTTP protocol from any web property of colean.cc (e.g. subdomains of colean.cc and colean.cc itself)
This data may be logged and stored for up to 48 hours for diagnostic purposes in instances of high traffic and for the purposes of blocking unwanted traffic (e.g. bots, web spiders, web crawlers) from the website. Any requests resulting in an HTTP status code beginning in 3 or targetting specific subdomains are not logged.
No data is sold or shared with third parties. This site contains zero analytics, zero cookies, zero ads and zero trackers. Your data is stored within Germany on a VPS hosted by OVHcloud. Your use of this website must comply and is governed by the laws of Germany. Thank you.
## For those visting this site via Gemini
By using this gemini capsule, you agree to me collecting the following data for the purpose of delivery of content through the Gemini protocol:
* Originating IP address
* Date and time of request
* Gemini status code of request
* Headers of request (containing the page you visited)
This privacy policy applies to any services, websites, or other content delivered via the Gemini protocol from any property of colean.cc (e.g. subdomains of colean.cc and colean.cc itself)
This data may be logged and stored for up to 48 hours for diagnostic purposes in instances of high traffic and for the purposes of blocking unwanted traffic (e.g. bots, spiders, crawlers) from the gemini capsule.
No data is sold or shared with third parties. This capsule contains zero analytics, zero ads and zero trackers. Your data is stored within Germany on a VPS hosted by OVHcloud. Your use of this capsule must comply and is governed by the laws of Germany. Thank you.
## For logged-in users of git.colean.cc only
In addition to the data collected as part of the "For those visting this site via HTTP/HTTPS" section, we can potentially also collect the following data:
* Username, password, email address (upon sign up)
* Name, biography, website address and location (if the user chooses to enter said information on their public profile)
* Information relating to the git version control system (commit messages, public PGP keys, email addresses, names, date and time of commit made etc.)
* Your public PGP key (if chosen to be added for signed git commits)
* Data uploaded to git repositories (e.g. code files, README files, documentation etc.)
Data pertaining to your account (e.g. username, password, email address) are stored for the duration of your account's tenure on the site. When you close your account, this data is deleted immediately.
For data pertaining to the git version control system and uploaded to git repositories, data is only stored for the duration of the existence of git repositories containing this data. When you delete git repositories, this data is erased. You may not be able to erase git repositories you do not have access of and agree that this data cannot be removed from someone else's git repository upon merging via pull request or other means.
Your public PGP key and data pertaining to your public profile is stored until you remove them from your account.
No data is sold or shared to third parties except when somebody clones your repository from our server at that point the git version control system information and git repository data is cloned onto their system, which is a core function of git.colean.cc and the git version control system. No analytics, ads or trackers are placed on the service. Cookies are used solely for the purpose of authenticating your account and keeping you logged in (session cookies).
In addition to this policy, by using the site, you agree to give abbieoverflight (contactable at hi+website (at) colean (dot) cc), a license exclusively for the purpose of distributing your uploaded data to git repositories worldwide via the HTTP protocol and git versioning system. This license does not give copyright of your code to abbieoverflight nor does it allow them to exploit your data in anyway shape or form apart from what is required to serve a git repository. This license also combines with any rights granted (or not granted) in your git repository. This license is revoked only upon the deletion of a git repository.
Any data you upload to git.colean.cc must be legal in the law of Germany. Any pornographic or obscene content is also not allowed to be hosted on git.colean.cc and must not be uploaded. Any data or material violating these terms will be deleted and may result in your account being terminated.
We reserve the right to terminate your access to the service at any time for no reason. If your access is terminated, all your data will be deleted immediately. This service is provided as-is with no warranty, we can not be held liable for any data lost or any costs incurred as a result of using the service.
## For logged-in users of colean.cc mail only
In addition to the data collected as part of the "For those visting this site via HTTP/HTTPS" section, we can potentially also collect the following data:
* Name, password, email address (for mailbox services and for adding your name to emails)
* PGP key information (if attached to your account)
* Email data (unencrypted)
This data is collected for basic operation of your mailbox with colean.cc mail and stored for the duration of your account's tenure. All data related to your account (the data above) is deleted immediately upon account deletion. Account deletion can be requested by contacting abbieoverflight.
No data is sold or shared to third parties apart from emails sent by you from your mailbox. The service has no analytics, ads or trackers but uses cookies for authenticating your account and keeping you logged in (session cookies).
Any data you send via colean.cc mail must be legal in the law of Germany. In addition, you may not send or store sexually explicit content. If you receive any data breaching this policy, please contact abbieoverflight via Discord or email. If you violate this policy, your account may be terminated immediately.
We reserve the right to terminate your access to the service at any time for no reason. If your access is terminated, all your data will be deleted immediately. This service is provided as-is with no warranty, we can not be held liable for any data lost or any costs incurred as a result of using the service.
# UK Online Safety Act 2023 risk assessment
In line with the Online Safety Act 2023, a risk assessment of git.colean.cc is required. A risk assessment of colean.cc mail is not required due to e-mail services being exempt from the act.
git.colean.cc is a code sharing website with a small user base of mostly **non-UK based users**. This is verifiable due to each user being vetted by the administrator before being granted an account.
All 17 risks outlined by Ofcom: terrorism, child sexual exploitation and abuse, hate, harrassment/stalking/threats/abuse, controlling or coercive behaviour, intimate image abuse, extreme pornography, sexual exploitation of adults, human trafficking, unlawful immigration, fraud and financial offences, proceeds of crime, drugs and psychoactive substances, firearms, knives and other weapons, encouraging or assisting suicide, foreign interference, animal cruelty, as well as the unspecified risk of additional illegal content not listed here are at a **low risk level** due to a lack of direct messaging functions within the Forgejo software, all users with membership requiring vetting by the administrator and invites only being given out by the administrator of the service, no recommendation algorithms, and the site not catered towards children due to the relatively uninteresting subject produced.
As git.colean.cc may be considered a "file-storage or file-sharing service", Ofcom *recommendations* are to scan for CSAM if we are under 700,000 UK users: due to the service's low user count including low UK user count, focus on sharing specifically source code files, and computational costs on a server with constrained resources, we will not be implementing automated scanning and will rely on proactive analysis of image heavy repositories. Any user who encounters illegal content are encouraged to contact hi+website (at) colean (dot) cc to report it.
## Copyright notice
**All text on this page is not released under the general CC BY-ND 4.0 on this site. All rights are reserved.**
Effective as of January 7th, 2025.
Last update: Remove dumping ground policy and add UK OSA 2023 policy.
Copyright © abbieoverflight 2023-2025. All rights reserved.