192 lines
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192 lines
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/* This file is part of the dynarmic project.
* Copyright (c) 2018 MerryMage
* This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the GNU
* General Public License version 2 or any later version.
#include "common/fp/fpsr.h"
#include "common/fp/info.h"
#include "common/fp/mantissa_util.h"
#include "common/fp/process_exception.h"
#include "common/fp/rounding_mode.h"
#include "common/fp/unpacked.h"
#include "common/safe_ops.h"
namespace Dynarmic::FP {
template<typename FPT>
std::tuple<FPType, bool, FPUnpacked> FPUnpackBase(FPT op, FPCR fpcr, [[maybe_unused]] FPSR& fpsr) {
constexpr size_t sign_bit = FPInfo<FPT>::exponent_width + FPInfo<FPT>::explicit_mantissa_width;
constexpr size_t exponent_high_bit = FPInfo<FPT>::exponent_width + FPInfo<FPT>::explicit_mantissa_width - 1;
constexpr size_t exponent_low_bit = FPInfo<FPT>::explicit_mantissa_width;
constexpr size_t mantissa_high_bit = FPInfo<FPT>::explicit_mantissa_width - 1;
constexpr size_t mantissa_low_bit = 0;
constexpr int denormal_exponent = FPInfo<FPT>::exponent_min - int(FPInfo<FPT>::explicit_mantissa_width);
constexpr bool is_half_precision = std::is_same_v<FPT, u16>;
const bool sign = Common::Bit<sign_bit>(op);
const FPT exp_raw = Common::Bits<exponent_low_bit, exponent_high_bit>(op);
const FPT frac_raw = Common::Bits<mantissa_low_bit, mantissa_high_bit>(op);
if (exp_raw == 0) {
if constexpr (is_half_precision) {
if (frac_raw == 0 || fpcr.FZ16()) {
return {FPType::Zero, sign, {sign, 0, 0}};
return {FPType::Nonzero, sign, ToNormalized(sign, denormal_exponent, frac_raw)};
} else {
if (frac_raw == 0 || fpcr.FZ()) {
if (frac_raw != 0) {
FPProcessException(FPExc::InputDenorm, fpcr, fpsr);
return {FPType::Zero, sign, {sign, 0, 0}};
return {FPType::Nonzero, sign, ToNormalized(sign, denormal_exponent, frac_raw)};
const bool exp_all_ones = exp_raw == Common::Ones<FPT>(FPInfo<FPT>::exponent_width);
const bool ahp_disabled = is_half_precision && !fpcr.AHP();
if ((exp_all_ones && !is_half_precision) || (exp_all_ones && ahp_disabled)) {
if (frac_raw == 0) {
return {FPType::Infinity, sign, ToNormalized(sign, 1000000, 1)};
const bool is_quiet = Common::Bit<mantissa_high_bit>(frac_raw);
return {is_quiet ? FPType::QNaN : FPType::SNaN, sign, {sign, 0, 0}};
const int exp = static_cast<int>(exp_raw) - FPInfo<FPT>::exponent_bias;
const u64 frac = static_cast<u64>(frac_raw | FPInfo<FPT>::implicit_leading_bit) << (normalized_point_position - FPInfo<FPT>::explicit_mantissa_width);
return {FPType::Nonzero, sign, {sign, exp, frac}};
template std::tuple<FPType, bool, FPUnpacked> FPUnpackBase<u16>(u16 op, FPCR fpcr, FPSR& fpsr);
template std::tuple<FPType, bool, FPUnpacked> FPUnpackBase<u32>(u32 op, FPCR fpcr, FPSR& fpsr);
template std::tuple<FPType, bool, FPUnpacked> FPUnpackBase<u64>(u64 op, FPCR fpcr, FPSR& fpsr);
template<size_t F>
std::tuple<bool, int, u64, ResidualError> Normalize(FPUnpacked op, int extra_right_shift = 0) {
const int highest_set_bit = Common::HighestSetBit(op.mantissa);
const int shift_amount = highest_set_bit - static_cast<int>(F) + extra_right_shift;
const u64 mantissa = Safe::LogicalShiftRight(op.mantissa, shift_amount);
const ResidualError error = ResidualErrorOnRightShift(op.mantissa, shift_amount);
const int exponent = op.exponent + highest_set_bit - normalized_point_position;
return std::make_tuple(op.sign, exponent, mantissa, error);
template<typename FPT>
FPT FPRoundBase(FPUnpacked op, FPCR fpcr, RoundingMode rounding, FPSR& fpsr) {
ASSERT(op.mantissa != 0);
ASSERT(rounding != RoundingMode::ToNearest_TieAwayFromZero);
constexpr int minimum_exp = FPInfo<FPT>::exponent_min;
constexpr size_t E = FPInfo<FPT>::exponent_width;
constexpr size_t F = FPInfo<FPT>::explicit_mantissa_width;
constexpr bool isFP16 = FPInfo<FPT>::total_width == 16;
auto [sign, exponent, mantissa, error] = Normalize<F>(op);
if (((!isFP16 && fpcr.FZ()) || (isFP16 && fpcr.FZ16())) && exponent < minimum_exp) {
return FPInfo<FPT>::Zero(sign);
int biased_exp = std::max<int>(exponent - minimum_exp + 1, 0);
if (biased_exp == 0) {
std::tie(sign, exponent, mantissa, error) = Normalize<F>(op, minimum_exp - exponent);
if (biased_exp == 0 && (error != ResidualError::Zero || fpcr.UFE())) {
FPProcessException(FPExc::Underflow, fpcr, fpsr);
bool round_up = false, overflow_to_inf = false;
switch (rounding) {
case RoundingMode::ToNearest_TieEven: {
round_up = (error > ResidualError::Half) || (error == ResidualError::Half && Common::Bit<0>(mantissa));
overflow_to_inf = true;
case RoundingMode::TowardsPlusInfinity:
round_up = error != ResidualError::Zero && !sign;
overflow_to_inf = !sign;
case RoundingMode::TowardsMinusInfinity:
round_up = error != ResidualError::Zero && sign;
overflow_to_inf = sign;
if (round_up) {
if ((mantissa & FPInfo<FPT>::mantissa_mask) == FPInfo<FPT>::mantissa_mask) {
// Overflow on rounding up is going to happen
if (mantissa == FPInfo<FPT>::mantissa_mask) {
// Rounding up from denormal to normal
} else {
// Rounding up to next exponent
mantissa = (mantissa + 1) / 2;
} else {
if (error != ResidualError::Zero && rounding == RoundingMode::ToOdd) {
mantissa = Common::ModifyBit<0>(mantissa, true);
FPT result = 0;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4127) // C4127: conditional expression is constant
if (!isFP16 || !fpcr.AHP()) {
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(pop)
constexpr int max_biased_exp = (1 << E) - 1;
if (biased_exp >= max_biased_exp) {
result = overflow_to_inf ? FPInfo<FPT>::Infinity(sign) : FPInfo<FPT>::MaxNormal(sign);
FPProcessException(FPExc::Overflow, fpcr, fpsr);
FPProcessException(FPExc::Inexact, fpcr, fpsr);
} else {
result = sign ? 1 : 0;
result <<= E;
result += FPT(biased_exp);
result <<= F;
result |= static_cast<FPT>(mantissa) & FPInfo<FPT>::mantissa_mask;
if (error != ResidualError::Zero) {
FPProcessException(FPExc::Inexact, fpcr, fpsr);
} else {
constexpr int max_biased_exp = (1 << E);
if (biased_exp >= max_biased_exp) {
result = sign ? 0xFFFF : 0x7FFF;
FPProcessException(FPExc::InvalidOp, fpcr, fpsr);
} else {
result = sign ? 1 : 0;
result <<= E;
result += FPT(biased_exp);
result <<= F;
result |= static_cast<FPT>(mantissa) & FPInfo<FPT>::mantissa_mask;
if (error != ResidualError::Zero) {
FPProcessException(FPExc::Inexact, fpcr, fpsr);
return result;
template u16 FPRoundBase<u16>(FPUnpacked op, FPCR fpcr, RoundingMode rounding, FPSR& fpsr);
template u32 FPRoundBase<u32>(FPUnpacked op, FPCR fpcr, RoundingMode rounding, FPSR& fpsr);
template u64 FPRoundBase<u64>(FPUnpacked op, FPCR fpcr, RoundingMode rounding, FPSR& fpsr);
} // namespace Dynarmic::FP