Mat M c6d09adcb7 CMakeLists: Derive the source file listings from targets directly ()
This gets rid of the need to store to individual variables before creating
the target itself, cleaning up the variables in the surrounding scope a little bit.
2020-04-22 20:26:07 +01:00

17 lines
859 B

# This function should be passed a name of an existing target. It will automatically generate
# file groups following the directory hierarchy, so that the layout of the files in IDEs matches the
# one in the filesystem.
function(create_target_directory_groups target_name)
# Place any files that aren't in the source list in a separate group so that they don't get in
# the way.
source_group("Other Files" REGULAR_EXPRESSION ".")
get_target_property(target_sources "${target_name}" SOURCES)
foreach(file_name IN LISTS target_sources)
get_filename_component(dir_name "${file_name}" PATH)
# Group names use '\' as a separator even though the entire rest of CMake uses '/'...
string(REPLACE "/" "\\" group_name "${dir_name}")
source_group("${group_name}" FILES "${file_name}")