Fork 0
forked from threeoh6000/joltik

do cool sexy stuff

This commit is contained in:
abbie 507131 2024-08-05 18:39:12 +01:00
parent 455db6016c
commit 994c386573
Signed by: threeoh6000
GPG key ID: 801FE4AD456E922C

View file

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ local discordia = require('discordia')
local client = discordia.Client() local client = discordia.Client()
local http = require("simple-http") local http = require("simple-http")
local json = require('json') local json = require('json')
local prefix = "." local prefix = ","
math.randomseed(os.time()) math.randomseed(os.time())
--- https://stackoverflow.com/a/22843701 --- https://stackoverflow.com/a/22843701
@ -50,83 +50,23 @@ client:on('messageCreate', function(message)
if message.content == prefix .. 'ping' then if message.content == prefix .. 'ping' then
message.channel:send({embed = {title = "Ping?",description = "Pong!",color = 0x00FFFF}}) message.channel:send({embed = {title = "Ping?",description = "Pong!",color = 0x00FFFF}})
end end
if message.content:startswith(prefix .. 'hug <@') then if string.find(message.content:lower(), "sako") and ((string.find(message.content:lower(), "shut")) and string.find(message.content:lower(), "up") or (string.find(message.content:lower(), "stfu")) or (string.find(message.content:lower(),"quiet"))) then
local action = "hug" local counter = load("counter.txt")
local actioner = " hugged " counter = tonumber(counter)
local body, res = http.request("GET", "https://nekos.life/api/v2/img/" .. action) message:addReaction(":star:")
message.channel:send({embed = {title = "Aww! " .. getnick(message.author.id, message.guild) .. actioner .. getnick(message.content:gsub(prefix .. action .. ' ', ''), message.guild) .. "!",color = 0x00FFFF, image = {url = body.url, height = 0, width = 0}}}) counter = counter + 1
write("counter.txt", tostring(counter))
end end
if message.content:startswith(prefix .. 'cuddle <@') then if message.content == prefix .. 'sacounter' then
local action = "cuddle" local counter = load("counter.txt")
local actioner = " cuddled " message.channel:send("**we have told sako to shut up ** ".. counter .. " ** times**)
local body, res = http.request("GET", "https://nekos.life/api/v2/img/" .. action)
message.channel:send({embed = {title = "Aww! " .. getnick(message.author.id, message.guild) .. actioner .. getnick(message.content:gsub(prefix .. action .. ' ', ''), message.guild) .. "!",color = 0x00FFFF, image = {url = body.url, height = 0, width = 0}}})
if message.content:startswith(prefix .. 'kiss <@') then
local action = "kiss"
local actioner = " kissed "
local body, res = http.request("GET", "https://nekos.life/api/v2/img/" .. action)
message.channel:send({embed = {title = "Aww! " .. getnick(message.author.id, message.guild) .. actioner .. getnick(message.content:gsub(prefix .. action .. ' ', ''), message.guild) .. "!",color = 0x00FFFF, image = {url = body.url, height = 0, width = 0}}})
if message.content:startswith(prefix .. 'slap <@') then
local action = "slap"
local actioner = " slapped "
local body, res = http.request("GET", "https://nekos.life/api/v2/img/" .. action)
message.channel:send({embed = {title = "Woah! " .. getnick(message.author.id, message.guild) .. actioner .. getnick(message.content:gsub(prefix .. action .. ' ', ''), message.guild) .. "!",color = 0x00FFFF, image = {url = body.url, height = 0, width = 0}}})
if message.content:startswith(prefix .. 'pat <@') then
local action = "pat"
local actioner = " patted "
local body, res = http.request("GET", "https://nekos.life/api/v2/img/" .. action)
message.channel:send({embed = {title = "Aww! " .. getnick(message.author.id, message.guild) .. actioner .. getnick(message.content:gsub(prefix .. action .. ' ', ''), message.guild) .. "!",color = 0x00FFFF, image = {url = body.url, height = 0, width = 0}}})
if message.content:startswith(prefix .. '8ball') then
local array = {"As I see it, yes.", "Ask again later.", "Better not tell you now.", "Cannot predict now.", "Concentrate and ask again.","Dont count on it.", "It is certain.", "It is decidedly so.", "Most likely.", "My reply is no.", "My sources say no.","Outlook not so good.", "Outlook good.", "Reply hazy, try again.", "Signs point to yes.", "Very doubtful.", "Without a doubt.","Yes.", "Yes definitely.", "You may rely on it."}
local r = math.random(1,20)
if message.content:gsub(prefix..'8ball','') == "" or message.content:gsub(prefix..'8ball','') == " " then
message.channel:send("The 8-ball requires a question!")
message.channel:send("**" .. getnick(message.author.id,message.guild).. "** has asked the magic 8-ball: **"..message.content:gsub(prefix..'8ball ','').."**\n\nThe magic 8-ball replies: **"..array[r].."**")
if message.content == prefix .. 'hug' then
message.channel:send("You gotta hug someone!")
if message.content == prefix .. 'cuddle' then
message.channel:send("You gotta cuddle someone!")
if message.content == prefix .. 'slap' then
message.channel:send("You gotta slap someone!")
if message.content == prefix .. 'kiss' then
message.channel:send("You gotta kiss someone!")
if message.content == prefix .. 'pat' then
message.channel:send("You gotta pat someone!")
if message.content == prefix .. 'help' then
message.channel:send("**Need help? Refer to my handy dandy help sheet!**\n\n```diff\n+ Action\nhug kiss pat cuddle slap\n\n+ Fun\n8ball counter\n\n+ Info\nping help source\n```")
if message.content:lower() == "welon sus" then
local welonsus = load("data/welon.txt")
welonsus = tonumber(welonsus)
welonsus = welonsus + 1
write("data/welon.txt", tostring(welonsus))
if message.content == prefix .. 'source' then
message.channel:send("**Look inside my brain at https://git.colean.cc/threeoh6000/joltik**")
if message.content == prefix .. 'counter' then
local weloncounter = load("data/welon.txt")
message.channel:send("**Times Welon has been sus:** ".. weloncounter)
end end
if message.content == prefix .. 'shutdown' then if message.content == prefix .. 'shutdown' then
if message.author.id == "867901290336223242" then if message.author.id == "867901290336223242" then
message.channel:send("**Shutting down!** Good night mother! :heart:") message.channel:send("aight byte")
client:stop() client:stop()
else else
message.channel:send("You aren't my mother!") message.channel:send("ayo the pizza here")
end end
end end
end) end)